Week 3: Into production

Welcome to week 3 of our devlog for Wicked Warehouse!

We have officially entered into our production phase where we have made some progress that we would like to share on both our old work and added some new work as well. 


For our coding this week, we started off by implementing and refining our main mechanics from our prototypes, mainly the existing box handling and player input, using clean code structure and consistent naming conventions. We then went further into our box mechanics and implemented a way for the stack of boxes to fall over both when the player is moving too fast and when the stack gets hit by environmental hazards. We then also added a working order system that handles the orders of boxes you need to complete and an initial working multiplayer for our game. 


We once again applied some of the received feedback whilst adding some new assets and that we can start using in our project.

- Character

We worked on our existing model to make it look smoother for future animation and added a texture to it as well. 

- Boss character

With our regular player character we also added a mean looking boss character with some possible iterations to have something or someone the player should fear.  

- Animation

This week we also started working on setting up stuff for our animations, we worked on setting up an animation reel mainly for player movement and carrying. 

- Environment

For our environment we were quite happy with what we already had, but wanted to iterate on it a bit more and ended up with something we think is a better version of our initial iteration.

- Props and models

We also started making some posters to fill up the level as well as variations on the basic boxes to start filling up the level. 


WickedWarehouse-v0.2.zip 25 MB
Mar 07, 2022

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