Week 4: More production!

Welcome to week 4 of our devlog for Wicked Warehouse!

Now week 2 of our production phase were we made even more progress and updates we would like to share with you all.


For our coding this week, we took the feedback we got and worked on mainly refining some of the mechanics already there to their perfection whilst adding a few new mechanics in there as well. We added player feedback to the box throwing with an indicator showing how far the box can be thrown and the box stack now falls down naturally instead of snapping into place after losing a box. The interaction with the environment also got refined and whenever a box in the middle of the stack gets hit, all the boxes above will also start falling.  We also tweaked some values regarding the box toppling when moving too fast to be less punishing and the movement now gradually ramps up instead of instantly going really fast. 


- Environment

We iterated on our level adding 2 new variants, both being somewhat different whilst still containing the same elements. 

- Animation

For our animations this week we created a newly refined Animation Controller using Blend Trees, this way our animations will smoothly blend and be a lot more optimized for controller use. We also added a rig and animation for our newly modeled crane in our levels!

- Controller layout

We also went ahead and created a first design for the button inputs that now exist, it wil still be improved upon once we know what the other buttons will be used for. 

- Models 

For our models this week, we added the previously mentioned crane model fully textured, a new box dropper model that will be a machine that drops boxes from above, a fire extuingisher model and finally a big box model. 

In conclusion

We made some very nice progress this week with our core gameplay working nicely and having some already very nice looking visuals to go along with that. We hope to see you here as well next week and we will be sure to show you even more progress!


WickedWarehouse-v0.4.zip 39 MB
Mar 21, 2022

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